
Ex Machina Series Matrix helps you to decide which volume(s) to buy

With four albums, four EPs and one compilation coming out starting in September, it’s daunting to figure out which of these many releases by Eponymous 4 would appeal to you, the listener.

To help you decide, Observant Records presents the Ex Machina Series Matrix. Find a genre or a similar artist, and see which album matches.

The Ex Machina Series arrives on Sept. 10 with the release of Original Confidence: An Overview of Eponymous 4.

Genres and Albums

If you like … [Imprint] [Restraint] [A Ghost in My Shadow] [健忘症]
Rock [No] [Yes] [Yes] [Yes]
Pop [Yes] [Yes] [Yes] [Yes]
Jazz [Yes] [No] [No] [No]
Country [No] [No] [No] [Yes]

Genres and EPs

If you like … [enigmatics] [風の歌を聴け] [Revulsion] [光がない]
Rock [No] [No] [Yes] [Yes]
Pop [Yes] [Yes] [No] [Yes]
Modern Classical [No] [Yes] [No] [No]
Punk [No] [No] [Yes] [Yes]
Electronica [Yes] [Yes] [No] [Yes]
New Age [Yes] [No] [No] [No]

Similar Artists and Albums

If you like … [Imprint] [Restraint] [A Ghost in My Shadow] [健忘症]
ACO [Yes] [No] [No] [No]
Duran Duran [Yes] [No] [Yes] [No]
Emmylou Harris [No] [No] [No] [Yes]
R.E.M. [No] [Yes] [No] [Yes]
Sade [Yes] [No] [No] [No]
Sting [Yes] [Yes] [Yes] [No]
宇多田ヒカル [Yes] [No] [No] [No]

Similar Artists and EPs

If you like … [enigmatics] [風の歌を聴け] [Revulsion] [光がない]
Cocco [No] [No] [Yes] [Yes]
Kronos Quartet [No] [Yes] [No] [No]
Enigma [Yes] [No] [No] [No]
NUMBER GIRL [No] [No] [Yes] [Yes]
SUPERCAR [No] [No] [No] [Yes]

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